Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Cruel Trick in a Public Park

Posted by Simcha 6:13 PM, under | 7 comments

So I was wandering around the Jerusalem municipality buildings the other day, looking for a comfortable spot to read for a bit, when I came across what looked like a park full of pillows. A park full of large, squishy pillows and couch-sized cushions. In short, it looked like a book-reader's heaven...

Until I noticed the sign...

I bet you can imagine my disappointment.

Seriously, what kind of sick mind thinks that cement cushions are a good idea? Just imagine all the dashed hopes and chipped teeth (Luckily I didn't jump, so my teeth were safe, but  little kids can't read warning signs)

Needless to say, I did not do any reading in this park full of deception and trickery.

P.S. How do you like my artistically modified images? I finally figured out how to use my image editor.

P.P.S. What do you mean where have I been, I was here all along. And I'm sticking to that story.


that looks awesome!! they look very real :)

Really!?! They are made of Cement! Wow, they really do look so soft like pillows. Ha.

How cute and so realistic. I never would've guessed.

Looks very real! Nice trick this Halloween but not for the younger ones who's not reading warning signs.

I think it is a sick mind as well. Probably something I'd do... ;) LOL

very cute!!!! and where have you been??? *wink*

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