Friday, October 2, 2009

Infiltrating the ICon

Posted by Simcha 7:19 AM, under | 5 comments

The ICon is Israel's big science fiction and fantasy festival, which takes place each year in early October. In past years the ICon has hosted some pretty big names, including Orson Scott Card, Neil Gaiman and Guy Gavriel Kay. This year someone name Bill Willingham will be the Guest of Honor. I've never heard of him. I think he draws comics.In order to learn more about the inner workings of the Israeli SFF community I've decided to infiltrate the...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blog Interview: Bitten by Books

Posted by Simcha 4:04 PM, under | 23 comments

If you are a fan of Paranormal Romance or Urban Fantasy then Bitten by Books is the blog for you. The provocatively sexy banner will be sure to draw you in while the large variety of book reviews, interviews and contests will have you coming back again and again.Rachel Smith, the founder of Bitten by Books, has taken some time from her busy schedule to answer a few questions for us about herself and her blog.Hi Rachel. Thank you so much for taking...

Moon Called by Patricia Briggs: A book worth rereading

Posted by Simcha 3:35 PM, under | No comments

I rarely reread novels because I don’t find them to be as enjoyable the second time around, plus knowing how the book ends also ruins the suspense, which is most of the fun. But after finishing Patricia Brigg’s newest book, Hunting Ground, I wanted to spend more time with some of her wonderful book characters so I pulled Moon Called off of my shelf, despite my general misgivings about rereading books. But to my delight, I found this book to be just...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Drop by and Say Hi

Posted by Simcha 3:18 AM, under | 7 comments

Until I recently became a blogger, I never realized the importance of leaving a comment on the blogs I visited. Yes, I was a lurker. I would stop by to enjoy the interesting articles and book reviews but would rarely leave behind a sign of my visit. I just didn't realize how much bloggers appreciate those comments which are proof that someone is actually reading the articles that they so painstakingly wrote. Now that I myself am I blogger I have...

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