Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Sword-Edged Blonde by Alex Bledsoe

Posted by Simcha 5:42 PM, under | 10 comments

Although The Sword-Edged Blonde was published in 2007, I never heard of this book, or it’s author, Alex Bledsoe, until recently- when I seem to be running into reviews of this book everywhere. And since every review I read was full of praise for this fantasy detective novel, I soon ordered myself a copy so that I could find out for myself what all the fuss is about.Private Eye Eddie LaCrosse is on a case to find a missing princess, but along the...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Children's Book Review: Carl's Snowy Afternoon

Posted by Simcha 6:47 AM, under | 3 comments

I've never written a review of a children's book before but since these are pretty much the only books I'm getting to read lately (due to my very demanding two year old), I figured I might as well start writing about some of them.Whenever my in-law visit us from America, they bring with them suitcases full of children's books, helping us restock our bookshelves (well-loved books don't last long around here). On their recent visit their suitcases...

Favorite Fictional Character: Artie

Posted by Simcha 5:55 AM, under | 3 comments

Favorite Fictional CharacterHosted by Ryan at WordsmithoniaWhen I was younger, one of my favorite authors was Gordon Korman, with his funny and creative books populated by memorable characters. His books were the only ones that really made me laugh out loud while reading them, and sometimes just thinking about them would make me crack up (and got me strange looks from my friends). Occasionally I still get out his books and read them because they...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Scifi for beginners: Dune by Frank Herbert

Posted by Simcha 4:42 PM, under | 7 comments

When Duke Leto is ordered by the emperor to transfer to the planet of Arrakis, both he and Lady Jessica are aware that the Harkonnens won’t easily relinquish their hold on the desert planet, which until recently was in their control. For, whoever rules Arrakis controls the production of the valuable spice that is harvested there. And so Leo and Jessica arrive at their new home on-guard and prepared for an attack.But when the attack does come, it...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My plans for the new week

Posted by Simcha 4:45 PM, under | 10 comments

Here in Israel we start off the new week by wishing everyone "shevuah tov!" Which means "good week," and I think it's a great greeting to start off the week with. So shevuah tov everyone and I hope you have been enjoying some good reads lately.While I usually manage to get at least one or two books read a week, for the past week and a half I've been wholly occupied with a single book, Dune. I must admit that I am definitely enjoying Dune much more...

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