Saturday, December 4, 2010

Chanukah Day 3: Psychics, Vampires, Jews, and Other Rarities by Ari Marmell

Posted by Simcha 2:32 PM, under | 11 comments

Psychics, Vampires, Jews, and Other Rarities Ari MarmellI was delighted when Simcha asked me to contribute a column for his Hanukkah series, and I immediately started trying to figure out exactly what I wanted to write about. And I thought.And I thought.And I thought.And then I had a snack.And then I thought some more.And it finally occurred to me that the reason I was having trouble coming up with an appropriate topic is that, to be honest, I’ve...

Gratitude Giveaway Winners

Posted by Simcha 11:59 AM, under | 1 comment

Congratulations to the winners of the Gratitude GiveawayRiv ReSabina DezmanAnd thank you to everyone who participated in the giveaway....

Friday, December 3, 2010

Chanukah Day 2: Guest Post by David Brin and Book Giveaway

Posted by Simcha 12:30 PM, under | 9 comments

In a provocative essay, Jewish Studies scholar Michael Weingrad asked "why don’t Jews write more fantasy literature?... Why no Jewish Tolkiens or Lewises, and why no Jewish Narnias?Speaking as one who knows many authors in the science fiction and fantasy (SF&F) field, I can assure Mr. Weingrad that such Jewish fantacists exist. Lisa Goldstein won the National Book Award, a decade or two back, with The Red Magician, a golem-like fantasy about...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Chanukah Day 1: Interview with Jane Yolen & Book Giveaway

Posted by Simcha 2:23 PM, under | 17 comments

It’s the first day of Chanukah and I thought I would kick off the week-long celebration, here at SFF Chat, with my interview with Jane Yolen, which I am particularly excited about.Though technically the interview is not actually mine because for such a prestigious author I thought I better bring in the big guns, and so I turned to my mother, Nadine Bonner.Not only is my mother a professional journalist, and so I knew she would do a great job, but...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy Chanukah!

Posted by Simcha 8:28 PM, under | 12 comments

I love the holiday of Chanukah.I love the cozy atmosphere that pervades that house as we light the menorahs with our children and then watch the flames dance on the colored candles as we sing Ma'Oz Tzo, and enjoy the delicious fried latkas* and sweet sufganiot*.Afterwards, my husband and children gather on the living room floor for their annual game of draidel* played with the most valued currency of all, chocolate coins. Meanwhile, I collect the...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hands of My Father by Myron Uhlberg

Posted by Simcha 5:45 PM, under | 5 comments

I was once standing by the bus station waiting for a ride when a group of people descended from a nearby tour bus, touting backpacks, suitcases and duffel bags. They all looked to be in their mid-thirties, casually dressed in jeans and t-shirts, some of them obviously couples. Together they piled their luggage at the street curb as they proceeded to make individual arrangements for transportation, meanwhile busily chatting and laughing with each...

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