Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Tiny Wife by Andrew Kaufman

Posted by Simcha 7:12 PM, under | 8 comments

A thief holds up a bank but instead of demanding money he insists that each of the customers hand over to him the item in their possession which is the most precious to them. One man gives the thief a watch that was a gift from his mother, another hands over his parents' wedding picture. A woman gives the thief a picture of her children and another of the customers gives him the pay stub from his recent promotion. After collecting an object from...

Monday, September 26, 2011

New Scifi and Fantasy Releases: Week of September 25

Posted by Simcha 8:33 AM, under | 8 comments

This is a dangerous week for me because there are so many great books here that I need to acquire, and my wallet is still recovering from all the recent back-to school-shopping (If only I could spend as much on my own books as I do on my kids textbooks.) At the top of my list of Must-Have's is Kate Elliott's Cold Fire, the sequel to Cold Magic, which I have been impatiently waiting the past year for. And after reading Stephanie's enthusiastic review...

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