Saturday, March 6, 2010

Winner of the Hundred Thousand Kingdoms Giveaway

Posted by Simcha 3:31 PM, under | 2 comments

I want to apologize for taking so long to announce the winner of my Hundred Thousand Kingdoms giveaway, I was just waiting to hear back from the winner, but after waiting for a few days I went ahead and selected a new winner.And so... congratulations to Tea and Tombs for winning a copy of the Hundred Thousand Kingdoms.Please email me with your mailing address so that I can send you the book.And thank you to everyone who participated and told me about the books that everyone else, but you, loved. I just have to say to all those Twilight haters,...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Interview with Donna from Fantasy Dreamer's Ramblings

Posted by Simcha 12:00 PM, under | 2 comments

Welcome Donna! I'm a big fan of your blog and I'm delighted to have the chance to interview you and to get to know more about you and your blog, Fantasy Dreamer's Ramblings.Can you please start off by telling me a little bit about your blog, and what makes it unique?Hi Simcha! Thank you for inviting over to your place. Well, I keep things on my blog centered around the books I'm currently obsessing over. Lately, my taste for books runs in the Urban...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Friday Quotes

Posted by Simcha 6:25 PM, under | 1 comment

I read some great books this week, including Peter Brett's The Desert Spear (which I'll talk about a bit next week) and my old favorite, Villains by Necessity and I'm currently in the middle of listening to Red Seas Under Red Skies on audio, which I'm really enjoying. And so here are a few of my favorite quotes from this week's reads:*********************************************************************************Red Seas Under Red Skies (Scott Lynch) "I'd lay even odds that between the people following us and the people hunting us, we've ...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Kosher Guide to Imaginary Animals by Ann and Jeff Vandermeer

Posted by Simcha 8:18 AM, under | 3 comments

Keeping kosher can be tough sometimes, particularly when you are desperately hungry and a mythological creature suddenly crosses your path when you just happen to have a perfectly sharpened knife on you (a requirement for a kosher kill) - but you hesitate, not knowing if this creature would be considered kosher. And so, due to your ignorance you are forced to allow your only source of food (if you are really far from home) to lumber by untouched...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Villains by Necessity by Eve Forward

Posted by Simcha 5:46 PM, under | 6 comments

What happens after the forces of evil are finally vanquished and the victorious heroes bring peace and harmony to the land? The classic epic fantasies end with the defeat of the villains and a land that is now a better place, filled with peace and harmony- but is that really the happy ending that it seems to be? Perhaps too much goodness and light can, in fact, be deadly, and only those who live in the shadows can see that the world is on the brink...

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