I've been living in Israel for nearly eight years now and each year I still find myself missing the fourth of July celebrations that I used to enjoy, particularly the elaborate firework displays.
I remember how in Atlanta all the cars would pull over to the side of the highway and drivers would climb on to the hoods of their cars to watch the fireworks. And when we lived in Milwaukee, each year my family would stake out a particular spot where we were able to view three different firework displays at the same time. While we do have some fireworks here for the Israeli Independence Day the displays are not nearly as grand as the ones I used to see in America and each fourth of July I find myself thinking back nostalgically to fourth of Julys of the past.
But even though I no longer live in America doesn't mean I can't still celebrate the holiday and today my children and I went into Jerusalem for the annual AACI (Americans and Canadians in Israel) Fourth of July fair which includes a flea market, games for children and musicians playing popular American songs.
My kids didn't quite get what it was all about and kept asking me why everyone was speaking English, but they had a fantastic time. They ate "American style" ice cream, had American flags painted on their faces and participated in the games and races with the other kids. They also each got a bit of money with which to purchase something in the flea market and they had a great time choosing something for themselves (sadly, when we got home my daughter discovered that she had lost the little change purse that she had bought for herself and she spent the night crying brokenheartedly about it).
So while this Fourth of July was firework-free my children and I still enoyed celebrating it together, here in Israel, with American games, music, treats and friends.
Hope you have a great Fourth of July!
I'm glad you had fun! It was w/o fireworks here because of the dry weather so my dogs were able to rest easy this year. :) Happy 4th!
No fireworks for me this year either. With Aidan with my grandparents in MN, I'm taking tonight to myself and realaxing. I had to work most of the day so I'm ready for peace and quiet, well at least until dark.
Sounds like you all had a great time :) But too bad about the purse
happy independence day simcha!! love the new look of the blog, btw.
We didn't see any fireworks either, but we sure heard them. I'm glad you were able to celebrate the Fourth in Israel. The flea market is something I would definitely have fun browsing in. I feel for your daughter; I'm sure she had her heart set on that change purse :(
Melissa: Yeah, I had heard that some places had to cancel their fireworks due to the dry weather. What a shame. Though I'm glad your dogs were happy. :)
Ryan: I hope you enjoyed your restful and quite 4th of July. It does sound like it would be an enjoyable way to celebrate.
chelleyreads: Thanks Michelle!
Blodeuedd: Yes, it was a shame that the day ended on such a sad note. But I knew that my daughter would probably forget all about it the next day, which she seems to have done.
Stephanie: Well I'm beginning to feel better about the fire works because it doesn't seem like anyone else saw any either. ;) I think it was more that my daughter had purchased the purse herself so was excited about it, but I'm sure there will be many more purses in her future (self-purchased, as well)
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