ChiZine Publication has a special holiday gift for fans of dark fiction; a free ebook of your choice!
Just email them by noon on December 26th with the title of the book that you want, and they will send it to you. Pretty awesome, no?
From their website...
A Free eBook of YOUR CHOICE
Now that you’ve all unwrapped your shiny new Kindles and Kobos, we wanted to give you a very special present—a free eBook of your choice. Yup, totally free, no strings attached, just-because-we-love-you kind of free. Simply e-mail us at with a message of good cheer and your eBook request. Really, guys, thanks so much for a fabulous year. We are truly grateful for the support and the good will of the reading community at large. So eat, drink and be merry—we look forward to another spectacular year come January...
Visit ChiZine for a list of their books on offer.
Oooh, I'm going over there to browse. Thanks, Simcha!
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