So far I have only perused the book but I've already learned that Pollo Maligno, the evil cannibalistic chicken of Columbia origins, would be considered kosher, though a lot of fruit and wine should be added while braising, to mask the taste of evil (evil, according to Duff Goldman, tastes kind of like the skin inside a walnut shell). See recipe below:
There is also a delicious looking recipe for Grilled Mongolian Death Worm Mali, though unfortunately this creature has been deemed not kosher (sadly, the best ones never are). But Wookies apparently are kosher, and if you can find one, they make a good stew that goes nicely with a sharp Cabernet.
Hmm..all this talk of cooking is making me hungry.
If you would like me to check up on the kosher status of any particular imaginary animal, I would be happy to do so. And I can also pass along any cooking tips that might be included. And I'll be providing a full review of The Kosher Guide to Imaginary Animals once I complete the book
This sounds like a great book! Lots of fun! That was really cool of the author to send it to you. I should try requesting one from someone at some time.
Sounds like a lot of fun....let me know if they have baslisks or unicorns on the approved menu.
Melissa, that's the great thing about having a book blog, publishers will often send you books for review if you request them. Particularly books from smaller publishers or new authors. I've only done this a few times though, because I feel tempted to give these books a positive review because I've requested them
Ryan, strangely enough neither of these creatures are included in the book, though who would really want to eat a unicorn?
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