Sunday, December 16, 2012

So long, and thanks for all the fish*

Posted by Simcha 5:40 PM, under | 9 comments

Well guys, I think it's finally time for me to admit that this blog has come to its end. I've been putting it off as long as I could, in the hope of my life getting back on track enough that I'd have the time again to blog and write reviews, but unfortunately it doesn't look like that's going to happen anytime soon.  So instead of just disappearing and letting you wonder what happened to me (which I hope that at least a few of you might)...

Monday, November 19, 2012

Epic: Legends of Fantasy edited by John Joseph Adams

Posted by Simcha 10:04 AM, under | 3 comments

When Techyon Publications offered to send me a copy of Epic: Legends of Fantasy for review, I jumped at the opportunity. I don't read anthologies very often but I do love a good epic fantasy, and since this collection included stories by many of my favorite authors, I was pretty sure there would be some good stuff here.  What I didn't realize, though, was that none of the stories in the collection were original. They were either...

Monday, November 12, 2012

Fantastic Ebook Deal: Spooky Reads at Unbeatable Prices

Posted by Simcha 8:03 PM, under | 1 comment

In my last post I mentioned that I haven't had much success at finding indie books that I enjoy, even though I do want to give indie authors a chance. So I really appreciate what StoryBundle is doing by offering readers a chance to sample books by indie authors- books that they themselves have enjoyed- at unbeatable prices. Seriously, you can't find a better deal than getting to set your own price for a bunch of books. So thanks to StoryBundle...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

In the End by Alexandra Rowland

Posted by Simcha 4:23 PM, under | 4 comments

The Fallen Angel Lucien never expected the world to end. Inconveniently enough, it did. He and Lalael, an angel of the Higher Realm, are abandoned to make their way in what's left of the world.It has changed, however. Uncountable humans have died or vanished, and leftover groups are determined to survive however they can, fighting off new dangers and killing anything they do not understand.But demons were not the only thing released into...

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Cruel Trick in a Public Park

Posted by Simcha 6:13 PM, under | 7 comments

So I was wandering around the Jerusalem municipality buildings the other day, looking for a comfortable spot to read for a bit, when I came across what looked like a park full of pillows. A park full of large, squishy pillows and couch-sized cushions. In short, it looked like a book-reader's heaven... Until I noticed the sign... I bet you can imagine my disappointment. Seriously, what kind of sick mind thinks that cement cushions...

Sunday, September 30, 2012

New SciFi & Fantasy Releases: Week of Sep 30 - Oct 6

Posted by Simcha 7:36 AM, under | 5 comments

Fantasy   Redoubt Mercedes Lackey Publisher: DAW Release Date: October 2 Mags, a young Herald trainee in Haven, the capital city of Valdemar, has very rare talents. Recognising this, the King's Own Herald trains Mags as a spy, tasking him with uncovering the secrets of a mysterious new enemy who has taken an interest in Mags himself. Why is an even deeper mystery. The answers can only be found in the depths of Mags' past, if he survives...

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