Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Favorite Fictional Character: Princess Cimorence

Posted by Simcha 5:48 PM, under | 4 comments

This is a fun feature that Ryan at Wordsmithonia came up with and which I've been meaning to participate in for a while.

I was recently reminder of one of my favorite book characters, who I haven't visited with for quite a while, but who I always think of fondly. And she is Cimorene from Patricia Wrede's Enchanted Forest series. Cimorence is a princess who dares to be different. Rather then learning etiquette and embroidery she takes on fencing, Latin and cooking. And instead of getting captured by a dragon so that a prince could come and save her, she runs away to become a dragon's housekeeper and secretary.

I love Cimorence. She is feisty, independent and creative. She's not afraid to forge her own path and her creative methods of caring for her dragon and deterring her persistent suitors are highly entertaining. She is definitely my favorite princess and one of my all-time favorite fictional characters.


I'm so glad to see someone else spreading the love abou their Favorite Fictional Characters. I must admit that I'm not familiar with Princess Cimorene but after your discreption and the wonderful looking cover that I must get to know her soon. Thanks for the heads up.

I am so glad to see you have joined in on the fun! I love this character. I have never heard of her but I love any princess that runs from etiquette. She sounds awesome with going TO the dragon to be his housekeeper.

Great pick this week!

I do have mine up if you would like to stop by...

I ADORE Princess Cimorene! I actually just read these books last year, and I absolutely fell in love with her. And Patricia C. Wrede, at that.
She's up there as one of my favorites, too, without a doubt!

This is a great book and I highly recommend it, and I think it's time for me to reread it as well just to make sure it is as good as I remember it being. I do remember loving how Cimorene kept trying to turn away all the princes that were coming to save her from the dragon and who refused to believe that she was there by choice. Yes, I definitely need to read this again!

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