Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday Finds

Posted by Simcha 1:45 AM, under | 7 comments

Hosted by Should be Reading  

Two new book discoveries this week:

Q: A Novel by Evan Mandery (discovered at The Bodacious Pen)

Shortly before his wedding, the unnamed hero of this uncommon romance is visited by a man who claims to be his future self and ominously admonishes him that he must not marry the love of his life, Q. At first the protagonist doubts this stranger, but in time he becomes convinced of the authenticity of the warning and leaves his fiancée. The resulting void in his life is impossible to fill. One after the other, future selves arrive urging him to marry someone else, divorce, attend law school, leave law school, travel, join a running club, stop running, study the guitar, the cello, Proust, Buddhism, and opera, and eliminate gluten from his diet. The only constants in this madcap quest for personal improvement are his love for his New York City home and for the irresistible Q.

A unique literary talent, Evan Mandery turns the classic story of transcendent love on its head, with an ending that will melt even the darkest heart.


The Revenge of the Radioactive Lady
by Elizabeth Stuckey-French 

Seventy-seven-year-old Marylou Ahearn is going to kill Dr. Wilson Spriggs come hell or high water. In 1953, he gave her a radioactive cocktail without her consent as part of a secret government study that had horrible consequences.

Marylou has been plotting her revenge for fifty years. When she accidentally discovers his whereabouts in Florida, her plans finally snap into action. She high tails it to hot and humid Tallahassee, moves in down the block from where a now senile Spriggs lives with his daughter’s family, and begins the tricky work of insinuating herself into their lives. But she has no idea what a nest of yellow jackets she is stum­bling into.

Before the novel is through, someone will be kidnapped, an unlikely couple will get engaged, someone will nearly die from eating a pineapple upside-down cake laced with anti-freeze, and that’s not all . . .

Told from the varied perspectives of an incredible cast of endearing oddball characters and written with the flair of a native Floridian, this dark comedy does not disappoint


And a fun video from Improv Everywhere (I love those guys!)

The Mute Button


Oh I LOVE the vid! I would so do that! I used to do all kinds of stuff like that in public just to freak people out. :)

I had to watch too because of the dog. Beautiful dobe!

Q sounds like something I would love! Kinda toys with fate and free will.

Love your blue theme and very organized blog. THANKS.


Stop by my blog if you like...I am having three giveaways.


Blodeuedd: Improv Everywhere has some great ones. Have you seen their musical in the food court? That one was the best.

Melissa: You sound like you'd be fun to hang out with. I'd love to do this kind of stuff but would probably be too embarrassed.

Stephanie: I think Q sounds like it could be a really great book. I'm surprised that I'd never heard of it before.

Elizabeth: Thanks so much for the nice comments about my blog and I'm really glad you stopped by. I'll be sure to check out your giveaways.

I love the cover of The Revenge of the Radioactive-Lady. It's brilliant and the premise sound slike a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing.

These look like interesting reads. Thanks for sharing your finds!

Also, I’m a new follower—wonderful blog! Stop by my blog and follow me too? :)

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